Intaba YaseDubai – Sbali Lyrics

Intaba YaseDubai Sbali Lyrics

Intaba YaseDubai – Sbali Lyrics

Sbali Lyrics by Intaba YaseDubai

Uma ngingakuxoxela indab’ongayazi
Ngicela ungathwali izandl’ekhanda
Mina ngingakuxoxela indab’ongayazi
Engakuthwalisa izandla ekhanda
Sengahlale ngiphethe isthombe sakho ephaketheni
Ngoba ngihlale nginethemba ukuthi ngizokubona
Sengahlale ngphethe isthombe sakho
Ephaketheni phela inhliziyo iyagxumagxuma mangikbona.
Uyajabula umphefumulo, kimi ufana nesbuko
Engath’ungahlala useduze nami
Uz’ungkhonzele kubafwenu
Uz’ubaxoxele ngeliny’ilanga ngizoba wu sbali
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami

(Verse 1)
Mina uma ngivuka we dali
Ngicabanga wena ekhanda lami
Ngiyazi uyazibuza ke manje
Ukuthi why ngingakuqondi ngikutshele lendaba
Hay ukuthi ngiyakusaba
Indlela engikuhlonipha ngayo
Angifuni uthi nginamanga lento into eyenzakalayo
Ukube nginamandla bengizovele ngiyifake emaphepheni
Uvele udume umhlaba wonke njengosheleni
Ngihlanyiswa isithombe sakho
Lesi engisiphethe ephaketheni lami
Isona esingenza ngbone impilo esangihlalele emhlabeni
Mina anginalutho esandleni
Ngizokupha okusenhlizweni yami ungunaphakade
Bahlale bengibuza abangani
Bethi why ngingasiloyi lesithombe sakho

Uyajabula umphefumulo, kimi ufana nesbuko
Engath’ungahlala useduze nami
Uz’ungkhonzele kubafwenu
Uz’ubaxoxele ngeliny’ilanga ngizoba wu sbali
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami.

(Verse 2)
Sengiqala ukulibuka nangamehlo enqondo
Usuku lwamalobolo
Obvious ngzobe senginemali eningi
Nigyow spenda wonke umholo
Usuyongixolisela kwabomndeni
Mina angizwani neyikoloto
Mina ngiyabhadala
Sengisho ukuthi noma bengakhalanga
Uthando lwakho lufana no Amen enhlizweni yami
Lufika njalo mangithandaza.
Ngiye ngithi mhla ngayeba inhliziyo yakho
Ngalolosuku kuyogijima iveni
Umjuluko uyobe uzehlela ebusweni
Kubafwenu mhla ngidla amanzi e-orintshi
Sekumele babize umfana omncane ngo sbali
Isimo sobe siphoqa ngalesosikhathi kuyobe kuymina oholile
Angibona laba abathi khona abazokwenza
Khona i chappies uma isiphelile hey mina.

Uyajabula umphefumulo, kimi ufana nesbuko
Engath’ungahlala useduze nami
Uz’ungkhonzele kubafwenu
Uz’ubaxoxele ngeliny’ilanga ngizoba wu sbali
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami.

Uma ngingakuxoxela indab’ongayazi
Ngicela ungathwali izandl’ekhanda
Mina ngingakuxoxela indab’ongayazi
Engakuthwalisa izandla ekhanda
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami
Ngifuna ukuba wu sbali
Lentombi kumele kube ngeyami

Written by; Intaba YaseDubai
Released date; 19 February, 2021

Intaba YaseDubai Sbali Lyrics

Intaba YaseDubai Sbali Lyrics Translation In English

If I could tell you a story you don’t know
Please don’t carry your hands on your head
Please don’t be surprised.
I can tell you a story you don’t know
I can put my hands on my head
Please don’t be surprised.
I can always carry your picture in my pocket
Because I always hoped I would see you
I can always carry your picture
After all, my heart is pounding for me to see it.
The soul is happy, to me it is like a mirror
You can always be close to me
Greet your brothers
Tell them one day I’ll be your friend
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine.

(Verse 1)
When I wake up we create
I think of you in my head
I know you’re wondering now
Why I do not understand you and tell you this story
Hay that I’m scared of
The way I respect you
I don’t want to say I’m lying about this thing happening
If I had the strength I would just put it in the papers
He is known the world over for his money
I’m mad at your picture
This one I have in my pocket
It is the only thing that can make me see the life that I have lived on earth
I have nothing on hand
I will give you what is in my heart forever
They always ask me friends
Saying why I don’t dream of your picture

The soul is happy, to me it is like a mirror
You can always be close to me
Greet your brothers
Tell them one day I’ll be your friend
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine.

(Verse 2)
I’m starting to look at it with my eyes too
Day of lobola
Obvious I will have a lot of money
Nigyow spends the entire salary
You have apologized to my family
I do not agree with debt
I pay
I mean even if they don’t cry
Your love is like Amen to my heart
It always comes and I pray.
I have said the day I stole your heart
On that day a bakkie will run
Sweat rolled down his face
To your brothers the day I ate orange juice
They have to call the little boy a sbali
The situation will be compelling then I will be the one to lead
I’m not the one who says they won’t do it
Then the chappies when it’s over hey me.

The soul is happy, to me it is like a mirror
You can always be close to me
Greet your brothers
Tell them one day I’ll be your friend
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine.

If I could tell you a story you don’t know
Please don’t carry your hands on your head
Please don’t be surprised.
I can tell you a story you don’t know
I can put my hands on my head
Please don’t be surprised.
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine
I want to be a sbali
This girl must be mine

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